Christmas, Weihnachten, Natale, Navidad

Pays anglosaxons

Christmas Eve at the Mellop's, Tony UNGERER, Phaidon Press (en anglais)

Souhaitant faire plaisir à leur père qui adore Noël, chacun des trois garçon de la famille va couper et décorer un sapin... Trois sapins dans le même maison ! Que faire !... Les donner. Mais à qui ? La tâche est plus compliquée qu'ils ne le pensaient !

► Paddington and the Christmas surprise, Michael BOND et R.W. ALLEY, Harpercollins

"Quand la famille Brown emmène Paddington dans un grand magasin pour rencontrer le Père Noël, il est aux anges. Mais la visite tant attendue est décevante : le jardin d'hiver du Père Noël n'est pas aussi joli que la jardinière de Mme Bird, et le seul renne présent est en plastique... Dépité, le petit ours se décide à prendre les choses en pattes. Mais, comme toujours quand Paddington s'en mêle, les catastrophes s'enchaînent !"

► Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, Robert L. MAY et David WENZEL, Grosset & Dunlap, New York, The Original Classic Rudolph Story

► Father Christmas, Raymond BRIGGS, Puffinbooks

"In this hilariously irreverent Christmas book, Father Christmas has awoken from a dream of summer sun to discover it is December 24th, Christmas Eve - the start of his longest night's work of the year! Much merriment ensues as Father Christmas travels the world, with a few issues along the way, to bring joy to children everywhere."

► Father Christmas goes on holiday, Raymond BRIGGS, Puffinbooks

"Father Christmas decides to go on holiday. No-one needs a holiday more than Father Christmas, but where can such a well-known and easily recognized person go? Father Christmas sets off in search of his ideal holiday spot! France, Scotland and Las Vegas are his chosen destinations, but as Father Christmas discovers - there's nowhere like home."


► The amazing Christmas Extravaganza, David SHANNON, Scholastic

"This year, the Merriweather family is really going to celebrate Christmas.Instead of simply trimming their tree and hanging a holly on the door, the Merriweathers decide to decorate their whole house. And decorate they do, with colored lights, candy canes, giant snowmen, and a fifty-foot Santa...and soon the family's Christmas extravaganza is the talk of the town!"

► Sad Santa, Tad CARPENTER, Sterling Children's book

"Santa gets the post-holiday blues. When the toys are all made, the presents handed out, the Christmas cookies eaten and the stockings unhung from the chimney with care, Santa is miserable. His reindeer and elves can't lift his spirits and even a vacation with Mrs. Claus doesn't do the trick. Will Santa ever feel like his old holly-jolly self again?"

► Christmas, Vintage holidays graphics, ED. Jim HEIMANN, Taschen

"Twas the night before Christmas… Created in 1862 by American political cartoonist Thomas Nast, the white-bearded, red-suited Santa Claus has become synonymous with Christmas itself. This collection of American imagery from the first decades of the 20th century pays homage to Old St. Nick and his familiar cast of characters via vintage graphic and print media such as greeting cards, postcards, ads, decorations, and more. A brief introduction describes the evolution of Santa Claus and the tradition of Christmas."

► The littlest Christmas Tree, R.A. HERMAN, Jacqueline ROGERS, Scholastic

The Littlest Christmas Tree wants to find a home for Christmas in this companion to the bestselling favorite The Littlest Pumpkin.

There are only five days until Christmas, and the Littlest Christmas Tree is still waiting for a home. All it wants is for a family to take it home, decorate it, and sing its favorite song, "Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, how lovely are thy branches..."

►How the grinch stole Christmas, Dr SEUSS, HarperCollinsPublishers

“Every Who down in Who-ville liked Christmas a lot . . . but the Grinch, who lived just north of Who-ville, did NOT!” Not since “’Twas the night before Christmas” has the beginning of a Christmas tale been so instantly recognizable. No holiday season is complete without the Grinch, Max, Cindy-Lou, and all the residents of Who-ville, in this heartwarming story about the effects of the Christmas spirit on even the smallest and coldest of hearts. Like mistletoe, candy canes, and caroling, the Grinch is a mainstay of the holidays, and his story is the perfect gift for young and old."

En Allemagne :

Wendelin Winzig im Schnee, Katja MENSING, editions CARLSEN 

► 10 Flinke Weihnachtsmänner, Thomas KRÜGER et Jörg MÜHLE, editions CARLSEN

Die Weihnachtsengelein, Else WENZ-VIËTOR, editions CARLSEN

Kathis Weihnachsgeschichte, Hermann SCHULZ et Silke TESSMER, editions CARLSEN

Piratenweihnacht, Katharina E. VOLK et Jonas KÖTZ, editions CARLSEN

Der Weihnachtsbaum, Anne-Marie FRISQUE, editions CARLSEN

Stille Nacht, Sigrid LEBERER, editions CARLSEN

Der kleine Weihnachtsmann reist um die Welt, Anu STOHNER, Henrike WILSON, Verlag

"Die Geschenke sind verpackt, die Schlitten geputzt und die große Reise zu den Menschenkindern könnte losgehen. Doch plötzlich haben alle Weihnachtsmänner rote Pusteln im Gesicht. Klar, dass der Doktor ihnen verbietet, so auf Reisen zu gehen! Nur den kleinen Weihnachtsmann und den alten Oberweihnachtsmann, der eigentlich gar nicht mehr reisen wollte, hat es nicht erwischt. Ob die beiden es alleine schaffen? Eine abenteuerliche Reise rund um die Welt - und hinterher ist der kleine Weihnachtsmann der Größte!"

► Nichtweihnachten, Joscha SAUER, Carlsen

"Kann man sich das vorstellen? Ausgerechnet an Weihnachten beantragen die Rentiere des Weihnnachtsmanns Urlaub. Unglaublich komische Geschichten über das mehr oder weniger geeignete Urlaubsvertretungszugtierteam sowie die Verjüngungskur des Weihnachtsmanns oder aber Yeti-Wunschzettel findet man in Joscha Sauers "Nichtweihnachten", dessen metallic-rotes Cover sich im schönsten Christbaum-Kugel-Look präsentiert. (2015-11-04)"

En Italie :

Papa, Decoriamo l'albero di Natale ?, Mireille d'ALLANCE, Babalibri

Un piccolo orso vede il suo grande papà tornare dal bosco con un pino enorme: si preparano infatti a decorare l'albero di Natale.

► Babbo Natale, l'esperto di giocattoli numero uno al mondo, Marla FRAZEE, Aliberti Kids

"È vero. Nessuno al mondo ne sa di bambini, giocattoli e doni più di Babbo Natale. Nessuno. (E lui ama il suo lavoro). Ma come lo fa? Entra anche tu nello straordinario mondo di Babbo Natale, e scopri tutti i preparativi che precedono festa la più attesa dell'anno"

En Espagne :


► Simón, Ì Ya LLega Navidad !, Juliet POMES LEIZ, TusQuests Edotores

Simon dont les parents sont divorcés, attend avec impatience Noël

► EL pequeno Arbol de Navidad, Susanna RONCHI, San Pablo

"Averigua cómo los juguetes de papá Noel llevan la magia de la Navidad de vuelta al Polo Norte en esta conmovedora historia que nos enseña una gran lección sobre la amistad."

► The jolly Christmas postman, Janet and Allan AHLBERG, Puffinbooks

"It's Christmas Eve and the JOLLY POSTMAN is delivering greetings to various fairy-tale characters - there's a card for Baby Bear, a game appropriately called 'Beware' for Red Riding Hood from Mr Wolf, a get-well jigsaw for hospitalised Humpty Dumpty and three more surprise envelopes containing letters, cards, etc"

► Merry Christmas Snoopy !, Charles M. SCHULZ, Penguin Books

"It's Christmas-time, and Charlie Brown is completely surrounded by no money and even less inspiration. However, when he spies Snoopy creating an amazing gift for Woodstock out of odds and ends, he tries to do the same . . . but, although it doesn't really work out too well, with a little extra help from Snoopy, everyone's Christmas ends up filled with dancing, laughter . . . and Christmas light"

►A Christmas Carol, Charles DICKENS, illustrated by Alan MARKS, Usborne Young Reading

►A Christmas Carol, Charles DICKENS illustrated by Marcia WILLIAMs, Walker Books

C'est la veille de Noël, les rues sont animées et chacun prépare joyeusement le réveillon. Le vieux Scrooge, avare et solitaire, est furieux. Il refuse l'invitation de son neveu et s'enferme chez lui. C'est alors que le fantôme de son ancien associé lui apparaît, suivi bientôt de trois autres spectres, plus inquiétants les uns que les autres. Scrooge est entraîné malgré lui dans un fabuleux voyage à travers le temps

Au Portugal

►Oh, Não! Eoutra vez Natal, Álvaro Magalhães, Porto Editora

"Picasso & Van Gogh, gato e cão, vivem em casa de uma pintora e nem se dão mal. Van Gogh é um cão ingénuo e generoso e Picasso um gato gordo e pachorrento, que sonha com uma vida sossegada, sem ontem nem amanhã. Mas isso era se não houvesse no mundo tantos Duas Patas (somos nós, as pessoas). Mas há. "